- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
CP2069 Launchpad, run majorly by Orbital Air. Well, at least that's what they'd say.
Ask the locals and they'd tell a different story, choomba.
Orbital Air holds a key position in the 21st century. With their fleet of French-made Hermes space-planes, they monopolize all orbital lifting capability, with the exception of a few governments, none of which offers comparable service. Many Corporations rely on Orbital Air for transport of cargo out of the gravity well. The Euro-Space Agency's Crystal Tower L-5 colony, a massive orbital hotel complex for the ultra-rich, would be out of business without them.
With all commercial spacebound cargo dependent upon them, Orbital Air is in a lucrative position that it would like very much to maintain. A large part of OA's budget and covert resources is put into ensuring that they remain the leader in orbital technology, and that the competition does not make it off the ground, literally or figuratively. Currently, their eye is on China, which is improving its commercial lift capability rapidly. Also, Euro-Flight Corporation is expanding its operations and expecting to bring orbital services online soon. This has OA worried about its monopoly. The Johnson Orbital Facility is a transfer station for passengers bound for the Crystal Tower, where they switch from the space-planes to space transport shuttles assembled at the OA orbital workstations, or purchased from the Euro-Space Agency.
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License details for "Launchpad"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- gk_radio_chatter_1_long by *)
- Ambient Bass Rumble by Freesound.org +)
- Futuristic Engine by freesound.org +)
- Pnuematics Hissing by kehbe +)
- SLS Launch by NASA! +)
- Steam burst by Sorry, can't remember +)
- Bay327 by Starwars.com +)
- Dystopian city noise 1 by XRT from http://freesound.org +)
*) Soundsnap.com license