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In Hebrew system of Quaballah it is well-known of Ten Sephiroths or Divine Emanations of Tree Of Life. Although popular esoterics talks much about Sephiroths and yet of Inverted Tree of Qlippoth but very much attention brings to subliminal and exotic Sphere of Daath. Some people thinks that it is an Interplanar Void Vortex. Another - that it is a raw energy Cosmic Maelstrom. Crowley thinks that it is a Weird Portal. Alan Moore says that it is a ruined dimension of chaotic choronzonian tribes. Stephen Hawkins and Richard Dawkins talks about space wormholes of antimateria. Creators of Warhammer 40k calls it a Warp. HPL calls it as mad formless sultane of countless demons Azatoth. And Pasqualdo Modalis tells about Daath only in warm terms of homelands. So - what do You thinks about this, my frend?
"Lovecraft suffered from an acute inferiority complex, which prevented him from personally crossing the Abyss in his lifetime. He remained a withdrawn and lonely writer who retained a rational, skeptical view of the universe, despite the glimpses of places and entities beyond the world of mundane reality, which his dream experiences allowed him. He never learned the true origin of the tremendous vistas of cosmic strangeness that haunted his dreams. He never realized that he was himself the High Priest ‘Ech-Pi-El’, the Prophet of the dawning Aeon of Cthulhu."
"In the 1920’s, an American magazine of fantasy and horror fiction called Weird Tales began to publish stories by a then unknown author named H. P. Lovecraft. As his contributions to the magazine grew more regular, the stories began to form an internally consistent and self-referential mythology, created from the literary realisation of the author’s dreams and intuitive impulses. Although he outwardly espoused a wholly rational and sceptical view of the universe, his dream-world experiences allowed him glimpses of places and entities beyond the world of mundane reality, and behind his stilted and often excessive prose there lies a vision and an understanding of occult forces which is directly relevant to the Magical Tradition."
Frater Tenebrous
". . . Although these new turns of science don’t mean a thing in relation to the myth of cosmic consciousness and teleology, a new brood of despairing and horrified moderns is seizing on the doubt of all positive knowledge which they imply; and is deducing therefrom that, since nothing is true, therefore anything can be true . . . whence one may invent or revive any sort of mythology that fancy or nostalgia or desperation may dictate, and defy anyone to prove that it isn’t emotionally true — whatever that means . . ."
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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Image from: http://nightserpent.deviantart.com/art/Tales-of-the-Sleepless-City-181919609