- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
...In some somnambulistic City of neon streets and walls of endless grey stone soaked by sepia rainwater and cloaked by nicotine smoke you had been woke up once there is an old hotel placed at Liberty Square; it built in strange Ar-Deco-like futuristic and eclectic renessaince style. Grand Hotel de Olympia (it is his name) collects a great history for his long life-time and hundreds of odd legends overgrown on his foundamental bricks. Hotel stands there about one hundred and fifty three years. It has eighty floors in height including underground stages. In main hall your eye can draw from bleak reddish ambience a remnants of past luxury: marmory statues of greek-roman Deities like Hermes, Venus, Athena, Zeus and Prometheus, tons of scrupulous decor, massive chandeliers and lacquer wood furniture now being possesed by rust and corruption.
You get to the reception-bar and press a button to sign personal about your visit. Voi-la! From seemingly nowhere materealises a hologrammic portier - he smile to you in glassy optimistic manner like a maneken from haberdashery shop. His aura pulses in dimly greenish glowing. You ask him a couple of questions about most curious rooms. Ghostly portier tells you about them for a half-hour or more. "There is a №17/39-C on 52 floor, my dear - he says, - that especially curious for intellegible researchers like yours person. In the end decade of last century that apartments have been occupied by some scientifical gentleman who had experiments with time and space matters; he was much eccentrical of a kind you know. A weird russian scholar deep-rooted in physics, psychics and musics theories."
"Ok, chief, I will take this one."
You take keys without any fluctuations and take your way to the lifts.
Afrer arriving to 52 floor, you enter the murky gaslighted corridor and enters the needed room. Some strange vibrato noise can be heard to your eardrums from backrooms. You close the main door, switch up lights and come to the next oak-wooden door without breath.
Door is locked outside. Damn it! Vibrations now engrows in slow degrees. Sounds like a broken phonograph or detuned radio-transmitter with some inertly harmonical effects.. You turn to the large grotesque-carved bureau in the center of main room draped in rich scarlet tones. Among masses of various old stuff like gazettes, books, notes, photos and press-papiers, you find a kind of diary intertwined in absynth-color velvet. You opens this little manuscript and search it for useful information. At the middle of the diary pages you have found an interesting note.
"Thursday, 19:30, Grand Hotel de Olympia. My engine had been finally reconstructed from blueprints and now well-tested. Astounding results! It was really originate idea to merge in one glass harmonica, radiotuner, phenakistoscope, termenvox, orgon camera and elementaris particula accelerator. Now my Valve-O-Scope can projects my mind-body to the another places, epochs and even universe-planes by simple tuning its band-selection knob and..."
At this words text ends. What does it means? Strange noises and rumbling hum endures from outside room.. You even can hear some voice-like formant obertons time to time. It seems to you that if listen to that noises with enough duration there is a weird unearthly feeling of illusionary nature of all this City and even your very existence here comes. In a large window-frame you see the distant lights in a dark. After long crawlings about the apartments you at last opens the bureau desk and finds out an old rusty metal key with elegans filigree. Then you turns to the locked door.
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License details for "VALVE-O-SCOPE ROOM"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Watery Whispers by charitho from http://freesound.org +)
- bladerunnercrib by diboz from freesound.org +)
- synthetic Melancoly by dj zentao from http://djzentao.bandcamp.com or http://www.myspace.com/djzentao *)
- 3043__freed__141102a by freed from freesound.org +)
- Underwater Lava by George Vlad of Alchemy Audio Design +)
- Shimmer 2 by Jack Braglia [www.BlastAudioSolutions.com] +)
- Baubles Layering by Rantz +)
- Background Bass by S. LaRue from http://freesound.org +)
*) Soundsnap.com license